HomeSchool Information, Providers, Tips & Resources
CCSD Office of Homeschool
4204 Channel 10 Drive, Bldg. B
Las Vegas, NV 89119
702-799-8630 x. 5214
Tips for Successful Homeschooling: mamateaches.com/tips-successful-homeschool-year
Odyssey Charter School https://odysseyk12.org/
Odyssey Charter Schools offer a unique alternative for students who have specific interests or requirements that preclude enrollment in traditional school in the state of Nevada. Charter schools provide a stimulating educational experience for these exceptional students. Our student body comprises students who travel often, those whose practice requirements for sport or theater demand a more open schedule, and students with special learning requirements.
Odyssey provides outstanding education to children in Las Vegas. We are a state funded, public institution that is fully accredited and sponsored by the Clark County School District in Nevada. Odyssey Charter Schools do not charge tuition fees.
Connections Academy https://www.connectionsacademy.com/
Nevada Virtual Academy https://nvva.k12.com/
Learn with Socrates www.withsocrates,com
Time 4 Learning Homeschool Program - Pre-K through 12
Time4Learning is the Leading Provider of Homeschool Curriculum. Lesson Plans Available by Age and Subject. Learn More Today! A+ BBB® Accredited. Easy Grading & Reporting. Highlights: Standards-Based Curriculum,
BBB Accredited Business.
Varsity Tutors Homeschool Tutoring - K through12
Great for parents interested in homeschooling this year. Personalized & flexible options. Varsity Tutors has helped over 150,000 students with an average 4.9/5 satisfaction rating. Elite Ivy League Tutors. Learn In Person or Online. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Michigan Virtual - https://michiganvirtual.org/bright/
A nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation that provides remote learning resources for educators
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